How to Get a Bigger butt

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Butt Lifting Exercises for a Bigger Butt

If you are serious about making your butt bigger, and have arrived here for some advice on butt lifting exercises for a bigger butt, then you are in for a treat.

Bulgarian Split Squat

I have always found that the Bulgarian Split Squat is the most effective of all butt lifting exercises and to learn the technique, watch this short video.  You can jump it up a step or two by holding dumbbells for added resistance, and to make it harder still you can make it into Bulgarian split squat jumps, (see second video below).

These are really quite hard, and you will find them exhaustive, but they truly work. So why not give them a go.


My second best butt lifting exercise is the lunge. Again, watch this short video for a perfect technique.


Moving on from the Lunge, you should definitely try squats. Squats are an amazing butt lifting exercise and worth the hard work - results come fast - because they are working your quadriceps (thigh muscles) in addition to your glutes, you will find that they are burning fat fast as well as increasing the size of your muscles. As a result, I am sure you will have a flatter stomach too. 

There are various different forms of squats, and I have highlighted a few versions in the videos below. 

Good luck with your butt lifting exercises to not only lift your butt, but improve the size of your butt as well.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Is it Possible to Get Rid of Cellulite from Your Butt?

There are many treatments on the market which we are told can be effective for getting rid of cellulite. Producers of such products and treatments, as well as beauticians or medical specialists will certainly advise that the results can fluctuate substantially dependent on the procedure used, from sizeable reduction to total elimination associated with all obvious cellulite. Numerous treatments pledge that the individual will definitely never be affected by cellulite ever again!!

In pretty much all of these approaches, the importance of implementing a good diet and physical exercise program is crucial but may well be ignored. We simply cannot emphasize enough that dimpled skin is sometimes brought on as a result of our detrimental life choices, including the consumption of sweet, greasy, or starchy foodstuff that damage the quality of our skin, build up the unwanted fat deposits and damage the regular functions of our body. In fact, a sedentary way of life also detrimentally has an effect on our skin and physiques since there is inadequate blood flow, vitamins and minerals and oxygen, inadequate eradication of harmful toxins through sweating as well as just generally poor all round energy.

Indeed, you ought to take up a balanced diet program consisting of organic and natural fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts, seeds, seafood, lean meat and low-fat dairy foodstuff. Add the right exercise regime and you have far better odds of overcoming cellulite on your legs, bottom and hips. The products, laser treatments and also massages will then look far more successful simply due to the fact you followed the correct foundation to assist the know-how pertaining to these kinds of products and procedures.

To learn more about whether it is possible to get rid of cellulite from your butt, click here ...

Thursday 3 June 2010

You've Come to the Right Place to Discover How to Get a Bigger Bum

You have come to exactly the right place to find out how to get a bigger bum!

The world is full of a great many bums, and many of those are very big. 

However, there are still some of us who could do with a little improvement in that area. And amongst those of us who could do with a little assistance, there are some who crave the larger 'celebrity big butt' look, but unfortunately, we have just not been blessed with their sexy and voluptuous proportions.

I know that you don’t necessarily want a bigger derriere that is gained purely through sitting on it and eating lots of the wrong type of foods, but it is so important to know exactly how to get a bigger bum the right way or you could be gaining weight all over. And you don’t want to do that!

Read on, and I will tell you how to get that butt of your dreams!

How Can I Get a Bigger Booty?

I was so set on increasing the size of my behind, but I definitely wasn’t going to ask my friends how. To get a bigger bum through exercise and diet alone was the best course of action for me. But you have to really know what you’re doing.

So I did my research on the internet and I then had a chat with one of the gym instructors at my gym and I plucked up the courage to ask her how to get a bigger bum, and it was from her that I found the miracle wonder exercise routine that has massively improved, and I really mean massively improved, the size of my bum. Well actually, she just confirmed what I’d found out on the internet, so my time spent on research wasn’t wasted.

I suppose I had to adjust my diet a little at the same time, so I found myself eating a whole lot more healthy protein to help with the exercise routine, but only a few weeks – 6 at most, and I had definitely improved the shape and size of my bum.

So I hear you ask, “what do we have to do?” The question on the fingertips of many as they type into the search engine, is “How to get a bigger bum?” What do we have to do in order to increase the size of our butts?

All of the authoritative information that I found on the internet, led me to trying both the Bulgarian Split Squat and the Lunge. Speaking from experience and seeing the fantastic improvements in the size of my bottom, I would definitely recommend that you try these. If you really, really want to learn how to get a bigger bum, I’m certain that you’ll give them a go.

The Bulgarian Split Squat - Buttocks Exercise to Get a Bigger Butt

I found a couple of videos detailing the precise movements involved in order to perfect the techniques because I wanted to get them absolutely spot on.

And now I’ll tell you exactly how these exercises for your bum work so very well.

The gluteus maximus muscle is one of the biggest muscles in your body and as you exercise and work it, the muscle mass grows. The muscle, as it grows requires loads more calories than when it is just going about its normal day to day activities of walking, running, holding your body upright, etc. So your body burns up calories fast, and from this process, you will quickly lose fat from other areas of your body.
This can only be seen as a win, win situation. The very best for me – I gained a new impressively shaped bum and I lost fat from my tummy and hips.

So, now that the summer is coming, I’m sure you’ll be massively motivated to do the same as me. Try the exercises, tone and strengthen your muscles in that very important bum area, and get out there and flaunt it.

And even if summer wasn’t fast approaching us, one thing is for sure, a bigger bum definitely looks better in jeans, a bigger bum looks better in gym gear, a bigger bum just generally looks better full stop!

So take a tip from me, take a look at the exercise videos and learn the right techniques for these great exercises and you can learn how to get a bigger bum too!

A quick taster and one of the very best buttocks exercises you could ever do, is the Bulgarian Split Squat. Try to do at least three sets of 12 - 15 repetitions every 3 - 4 days. Get amazing results fast!

How to Get a Bigger Bum Best Exercise - the Bulgarian Split Squat

Sunday 9 May 2010

How to Get a Bigger Bum Mini Exercise Workouts

I'm sure that you really want to increase the size of your buttocks. You really want to know how to get a bigger bum. Mini exercise workouts are definitely the way to go!

Short bursts of exercises targeting the buttock region will work wonders and before you know it, you will be one very proud owner of a large, very sexy and curvaceous big butt.

I recommend following the simple exercises shown in the following video, introduce them at your own pace and try to stick with them. They really are so effective.

If you include some of these easy exercises into your regular exercise routine, either at home or on the mats in the stretching area of your gym, you will soon notice a difference to the look and feel of your buttocks. They will start to look noticably bigger and they will definitely feel so much firmer and more toned.

When I can't make it to the gym on a particular day, I always make sure that I do at least some of these exercises for my bum, and I always do the curtsey lunges whilst I'm cleaning my teeth, morning and night.

If you want to try some of these 'how to get a bigger bum mini exercise workouts' too, and if you do them regularly, you should at least try to alternate between a couple or more routines each time that you do them. Firstly, so that you don't get bored, but also so that your butt doesn't get used to them. You need to challenge yourself, and you need to challenge your muscles too.

Please enjoy these great exercises. I will add some more videos for you to include in your regime shortly.